Are You Doing Enough For Your Dance Students?


Because it keeps me up at night too.

One night awhile back I could not get to sleep .

I had a particularly rough teaching day, and kept going over the day's events and I was losing sleep freaking out that I wasn't doing enough for my students.

Finally, in the morning, I woke up and realized: I don’t have to do more stuff, I just have to do the important stuff. Because honestly, if I have to add one more thing to my to-do list, I might scream.

Check out this video to hear what I mean.

And the important stuff isn't the dance stuff - it's not the technique, the choreography, the athletic conditioning. The important stuff is the being a good human stuff.⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀

You know, the treating yourself and others with respect and kindness stuff. The developing an inner confidence and knowing your value stuff. The learning how to stay positive in the face of challenges stuff.

As long as we're doing that, we're doing enough. And WHEW! Because realizing that we are doing enough (more than enough!) feels like a weight off the shoulders, right?!â €

And if you find yourself wanting to teach more from the heart, and less by the book, well you’re in the right place, because that’s what I’m all about. I’d also love to know (so I can help you better!) what (besides feeling like you’re not doing enough) you’re struggling with these days.

Listening to you makes me better at what I do, so go ahead - I’m all ears!

Sending you a virtual high five, one dance educator to another - we ARE enough, and we ARE doing enough! Say it to yourself over and over, put it on a post it, and breathe it in. You’ve got this!