One Simple Trick To Double Dance Class Enrollment!

Today I'm talking to YOU - dance teachers and dance studio owners! Fall is almost here, and no doubt you're already enrolling for the new season of classes. I know it can be a chaotic time with lots to check off your to-do lists, which is why I want to share one simple trick I use to generate more traffic to my website and increase enrollment. One year this was the only form of promotion/marketing I did, and it doubled my enrollment! And while I've made this post with dance teachers and studio owners in mind, it can really be applied to any creative business, so if you like, it share it! Now let's get to it!

In the video above, I explain making a press kit of sorts to keep with you in your car while you're out and about. You never know when the opportunity will arise to chat with someone who's looking for dance classes, or where a community board will pop up with fliers for local businesses to display their offerings and happenings. So the moral of this story is be prepared! Here's what I keep in my own kit...


  • Fliers (duh), or your brochures, performance program, whatever it is you're promoting
  • Business cards
  • Pen, pencil, markers
  • Push pins
  • Tape
  • Plastic baggies (in case its raining and you need to leave/drop off materials for someone outdoors)
  • Stapler & staples
  • Scissors 
  • Post Its

Don't count on any boards having extra tape, pushpins, or whatever for you to use. Some other general rules of thumb: ask before you post. If you're at a business, do be a doll and make sure it's ok to post your stuff. Some places (like Starbucks) will only let non-profits post, so be aware before you put your materials up. If a board you're trying to post on is crowded, get creative; don't cover another businesses' stuff up, but make room, and if a flier is out of date, ask an employee if it's ok to take it down.


Volia! I keep my kit in my car, and re-stock it whenever I notice I'm getting low on supplies. If you've got two cars, I'd suggest keeping a kit in both cars, because, you really do never know when an opportunity to connect with your audience will present itself, and as they say, there's no time like the present (to talk your business up, reach out to a new business, and put your posters front and center where they can be seen). Will you be trying this trick for your back-to-school season? Or do you have another trick that you use to get yo'self out there? Let me know, and remember, you can always check out my Services for more help with copywriting, curriculum, and video classes!