Struggling Dance Students? Ask Them These 3 Things.

I love a good shortcut, and I’m not above a hack - in any area of my life; cooking, cleaning, teaching…

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Many of us knew from early on that we were called to be teachers. Those magical moments in the studio when everything just clicks, and you know, in your bones, that teaching is what you were put on this Earth to do. But that doesn’t mean that teaching is an easy job, or a job that doesn’t run us down and wear us out.

So sometimes, we teachers take shortcuts. Sometimes, it can tempting to give all the answers away; to tell students what to do, and how to do it. And I get it - I’ve done it / I do it too. We’re only human.

But the more valuable course of action for out students is to guide them to uncovering their own answers. Lessons and experiences are more memorable and powerful when we learn them from the inside out; when we’re challenged to connect the dots internally, rather than relying on, or being motivated by external sources or rewards.

After all, as teachers we’re facilitators of the learning process, not answer keys for our students.

One way that I do this is by flipping the traditional dance teacher script. Instead of giving directives or listing off a litany of corrections, I ask questions. Questions are powerful invitations for your dancers to tune into their own bodies and minds. Giving dancers time and space to sit with, ponder, and answer questions is an empowering alternative to traditional (and sometimes toxic) dance training practices. Questions also teach students to not be so dependent on me, the teacher; they learn to lean on themselves for the affirmation, guidance, and answers they seek.

Here are three powerful questions to ask your dance students when you see them struggling. Use these questions to encourage their confidence, trust in themselves, and build their mind / body connection.

  1. What choice can you make right now to honor your body?

  2. Are you correcting, or criticizing?

  3. What do you need to refocus your energy on?

These are questions I use when:

  1. I can see a dancer is getting frustrated

  2. I can tell a dancer is too much in their head - overthinking and criticizing themself

  3. I see, or hear a dancer speaking negatively about their body

  4. A dancer is getting tired

  5. To reset a class if the energy is wonky

  6. As a cool down and conversation / connection moment at the end of class to encourage dancers to reflect on their work and where they want to go moving forward

I know you know all these moments; they happen in our classes all the time! And I know your instincts are spot on when it comes to what your students are feeling and what they need. (Dance Teacher Spidey Senses are a real thing!) You know the WHAT, but sometimes we need guidance with the HOW.

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If this tip, and the idea of empowering your dancers hit home for you, check out my StudioZen Membership! Dancer empowerment is always a big topic in StudioZen, along with monthly themes on supporting our students with wellness strategies like mindset, body acceptance, nutrition and injury prevention (just to name a few!).

StudioZen strengthens those powerful instincts you already have. It helps you connect the dots in your teaching practices so you can get back to seeing the big picture and have more of those magical moments where you know this is your purpose, calling, and where you’er supposed to be.

Enrollment is open for a limited time, and when you join before March 17th, you can get one month totally free!

Join our growing community of big-hearted teachers who’re craving fresh perspectives, holistic tools, and meaningful change for the dance world!