Use This Filter For Dance Studio Success!

Ahh filters… you make me look so fresh and lovely, and for that you’ll have my eternal devotion.

We've all got our favorite Instagram filter, right? I dunno about you, but when I see a pic of myself that has a filter on it, my whole life feels better, I suddenly feel more powerful and more attractive, not just in how I look, but how I view myself as a whole. It’s an instant self esteem boost!

How to have a successful dance studio

Now, imagine you could apply that filter to your life and have it follow you around all day, giving you the perfect lighting, making you look and feel luminous.

Believe it or not, you can, with boundaries. Boundaries act as beautiful filters for our life, letting people and opportunities in that light you up (like your favorite Insta filter), and letting the people, or situations that aren't for you simply bounce off you.

We've all felt at some point like we had to use shields to protect ourselves, from needy studio parents, students, or staff members, but when you build a shield around yourself, you keep people, and opportunities in. Even if they're toxic, unhealthy, and unhelpful. Once you build that shield around yourself, no one or thing can get out, and nothing new can get in.

Bottom line:

Boundaries are our buds if we want a sustainable and healthy work/life balance. The filters that boundaries provide can give us personal and work success.

Your dance studio and students don't need you busy battling drama, to-do lists or putting out fires; they need you present. And the quickest way to get present is to get serious about your boundaries.

If you’re thinking to yourself, YES! but aren’t quite sure what the first step is when it comes to making boundaries your buddies, I’ve got you covered.

I made this Flow to the No worksheet to help myself clarify what I wanted to say yes to, and what I wanted to say no to. Once this was clear, I stopped saying ‘yes’ to everything, and it was easier to put boundaries in place that kept me on track for the things I said ‘yes’ to.

You can download your free copy of the worksheet with a click of that button! I hope it helps you, not only with this busy holiday season, but with all your dance, business, and life projects! Happy Dancing!