Is Your Dance Studio In A Time Out? Reconnect With These 3 Steps

Remember time outs? I think the’re generally frowned upon these days, but back when I was a kid, they were a real thing, and maybe one of the most dreaded things.

Being in a time out was no fun. You had to sit alone, usually in a corner, not talking or interacting with anyone, or any of your toys or treats. Talk about FOMO…

I think it’s a truth universally acknowledged that all dance teachers or studio owners, at some point in their careers, feel like their studio or teaching is in a time out. No good or new ideas are coming in, nothing is going out. We feel alone and isolated, or simply overrun with the drama of running a studio or teaching alltheclasses.

Luckily now that we’re adults, we can take ourselves out of time out anytime we want. Reconnecting to ourselves and our teaching is easier said than done though. With to-do lists as long as your leg, classes to teach, staff to organize, and so much more, getting back to a place of ‘ahh’ instead of ‘arghh’ can be difficult.

Dance Studio Management Programs

But I’ve got three steps that are gold for getting out of timeout and getting back on track with your studio or teaching!

It’s called the dance studio Peace Pathfinder. Think of it as self discovery meets dance studio management. Part personal development, part studio/teaching leadership, with a dash of humor and lots of positive vibes, not to mention a TON of practical tools and resources you can put into action to fast track your studio and teaching towards fulfillment and success.

To give you a feel for the program, here’s a 15 page workbook that outlines how to get you from dance drama island to the welcome shores of fulfilled, supported, and peaceful life - both in your personal life and in your dance life.

It’s my gift to you to help you feel back on track with your studio, and your life!

After you’ve grabbed the free download, and taken a look, I’d love to hear from you! Comment below, or come find me over on Instagram, and tell me what your favorite part of the workbook was!