What Losing Staff Really Means For Your Dance Studio.

Hiring and firing are inevitable parts of running your own business. Probably not the most fun parts… finding the right people for your dance studio can be like a game of Where’s Waldo (with a lot more paperwork), and letting dance teachers or staff go can be dramatic, emotional and uncomfortable, to say the least.

If you find yourself losing staff left and right, you want to listen up to this truth bomb:

People don’t leave jobs, they leave toxic workplaces.”
Hiring staff at your dance studio.png

This article by Rohia Munavar for Thrive Global gives ample evidence that companies with high turnover rates also have a culture of disrespect, and impossible expectations.

Personally I know this to be true; every job I’ve ever left because I was so miserable I just couldn’t deal anymore was because I didn’t feel valued or respected in the workplace. It was expected that I stay late, come in early, and do way more than I was originally asked to do, or being paid for.

Bottom line: when we don’t value our employees and show them respect and gratitude, they leave.

So if we’re being super honest, losing staff at your dance studio probably isn’t because your staff is all young, or they don’t value their jobs, or whatever fill in the blank reason, it’s more likely because your studio culture and environment isn’t supportive.

I realize this can be a harsh truth to hear, but luckily, there are action steps you can take to change this!

  • Verbalize your appreciation - we all love (and need) to hear that we’re valued. Tell your peeps on the regular that you appreciate all they do!

  • Respect their job - put down in writing what each employee’s responsibilities are, and then don’t expect more or less. Respect that you hired them to deliver on their job and respect their boundaries. Don’t expect them to work overtime without pay, and don’t be shady about asking them to do things you’re not willing to pay them for.

  • Build empathy - if you lead with kindness and empathy, your employees and staff will follow. We’re more likely to go above and beyond for people who are kind, understanding and empathetic.

And if you have trouble keeping staff at your dance studio or have trouble with conflict among your staff, I made an online course all about how to ditch the studio drama and conflict. Check out the simple steps you can take to support your staff and studio below!