February Brain Dance - Show Your Body Some Love!

I have a new guiding phrase in my work: dance education from the inside out (I love it, btw), and this phrase has prompted a lot of new and exciting things for me. On the whole, it's highlighted an area that I think the dance community (and whole world, really) needs an update on, and that's body positivity and empowerment. If you think that all bodies deserve to enjoy dance and movement, free of judgment and unreasonable cultural standards, I'd love for you to join my Facebook Live class on bringing body positivity and empowerment into the dance class; I'll be talking about why this is an important subject, and giving you 3 affirmations/positive statements you can use with your dancers, as well as team building activities to use with them to foster growth mindsets and group support.

My obsession with this topic was also a guide for this month's Brain Dance, which is also about body positivity. During a month that can be all about showing others love (Valentine's Day), I thought it would be refreshing to take a moment and show our own bodies some love for all the amazing things they do for us. In the hustle and bustle (dancers and athletes are especially guilty of this) of life, it's easy to forget that our body wants to be on our team; it wants to do what we want it to do - if only we'd listen to it and give it a little TLC.

With that in mind, enjoy this month's body positive Brain Dance! 

Please feel free to share it, or drop me a comment and let me know what you thought! And if you want to join me this Friday at 10 am EST for my Facebook Live, you can do that here. Happy Dancing!