March Madness Brain Dance

Well hello sunshine! With the arrival of March, the sun decided to make an appearance in California, and I couldn't be more excited! I know we've been in desperate need of the rain, but I have to admit that I'm superglad Mr. Golden Sun is here for a bit! With March comes all sorts of things spring: sunshine, budding flowers, March Madness, allergies... so if you've got ants in your pants about all those things, the March Brain Dance has arrived to get your wiggles and giggles out, and get you excited about all things Spring! Ready? Me too! :) 






Body Side

Cross Lateral


There it is! Hop to it and get moving! This month I'm also offering this as a free download, in case you want to share it with friends and fam (hint, hint, nudge, nudge), and so you can see it on paper to get the most out of the exercises! Do it here. Need suggestions or adaptations for this Brain Dance, or just want to tell me how awesome it is and how much you and your kiddos love it? Yay! I love hearing your feedback :) Hit those social media buttons below and let's chat! Happy Dancing!