Trust the Timing: Affirmations for Back to Dance

Hey gang! I’ve been quiet on the blog because, you know… COIVD + life = an overwhelming hot mess.

dance studios covid

But after surviving my first week back to in person teaching (public school last week, and dance classes this week), I’m glad to be back on a (somewhat) routine schedule, and have been saving up some sweet blogs for you!

Most of us are now back both to school, and dance. Whether you’re teaching in person, online, or a hybrid of both, it’s all exhausting, and it’s all taking every ounce of energy we have. Which is why I’m offering up some back to dance affirmations you can use to support yourself, your dancers, your staff, and even your own family.

So take a deep breath, relax your shoulders and jaw, and let’s go!

Trust the timing

Well, I didn’t say that these affirmations wouldn’t be challenging ;) I know trusting the timing of anything right now is suuuuuper difficult. From school to dance to travel, it’s all up in the air. When I get my leo in a twist about things not going as fast as I’d like, or not having the info I need to make decisions, I ask myself, ‘what can I control right now, and what can’t I control right now?’ Timing is often something that we can’t control. So if you can’t control it, there’s no point in wasting any more of your precious headspace on it. You can piggyback this phrase with - ‘it’s all getting done’. Whatever IT is, trust that it’s all working out in the timing that it’s meant to, and work to release your grip on wanting to control the situation.

I am in control of my thoughts

When I catch myself in a downward spiral of WTFs, and my mood is more volatile than a Real Housewife during happy hour, I take a breath and remind myself that while I may not be in control of much in life right now, I do get to be in control of my next thought. And I choose to make it a kind, gentle, generous one - towards myself, or others. This is an instant fix for shifting your mood and snapping yourself out of a negative thought train. This affirmation is also super helpful with any negative thoughts or feelings you or your dancers might be having around body image.

Support is all around

Spending months in isolation and quarantine can lead us to believe we’re alone, but that’s never the case. Feelings of loneliness are absolutely real right now, but when we stop to really think about it, we actually will find that support IS all around. Family, friends, pets, co-workers, neighbors, even medical professionals. Sometimes the hardest thing to do is reach out for support, but know that it is there for you, there for the taking, whenever you need it.

Gratitude is my attitude

Even on the worst of days, it is possible to find something to be grateful for. A roof over your head. A warm meal, Netflix, a soft pillow. Making a gratitude list is my go-to activity for shaking off the funk and becoming more mindful of the present moment. Making a gratitude list is a great activity to do with dancers of any age, and you’ll be giving them a self-care tool they can use for the rest of their lives! If you want to take it a step further, write, or describe why you’re grateful. Research has show that getting specific about why we’re grateful for things boosts our mood and keeps those feel good hormones flowing longer!

If you enjoyed this, and want more self-care/emotional wellness/body positivity tools for you and your dancers, my new monthly membership program, StudioZen, might be for you!

You can be one of the first to get on the waitlist to receive special Founding Member pricing when you sign up below!

StudioZen goes live November 1st, and spots will be limited, so get on the list today!

I hope you found these affirmations helpful and supportive! I’m cheering you on all the way!